If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with our service, simply request a refund. We offer a 48 hours guarantee with no question asked. If you are not satisfied, inform us within 48 hours of service set up and your payment for the hosting services will be returned.

The 48 Hours Money-back guarantee applies for a single service, and you may ask for a refund just once. If you already received a refund under our the refund policy, you will not receive a refund on subsequent orders.

A fee may apply if the payment processor you used applies any fees on a refund (varies by the processor). Payments made via Crypto Currency are non-refundable.

If, your account has been terminated for TOS or AUP violation, no refund will be provided.


There's absolutely no pre-rated refund or credit for early service cancellation or mid-cycle cancellation.


There is no refund on dedicated servers.

Bu cevap yeterince yardımcı oldu mu? 1 Bu dökümanı faydalı bulan kullanıcılar: (2 Oy)